Napoli Fantacalcio

Join us for a weekly contest of Fantalcalcio.

Fantacalcio, or fantasy football as it’s mostly known throughout the world, tests football fans on their knowledge of the game. Fantacalcio allows would-be managers to pick their ideal teams.

When the players that they pick perform well, their team earns points. The objective is to earn more points than your competitors.

Join us for a private round of fantasy football played on FootballCoin. The game is free. It will allow us to compete and earn some prizes.

Here’s what you have to do:

  • Register for the game and join the contest at the following link: Napoli Fantacalcio
  • Create your fantacalcio team. (Make sure to watch the explanatory video on how FootballCoin works)
  • Check your results and see if you’ve won cryptocurrency prizes.

The game forces us to set an entry fee, so we’ve set the minimum of 10 XFC (XFC is the game’s native currency).

Note that if you have no XFC, send a mail to and I will send you the entry fee myself.

The game, however, allows you to win a few hundred XFC after playing a few of their free contests.

See you in our very own Napoli fantacalcio.

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